Wednesday, July 9, 2008

oregon country fair

its been a long time since i've posted. i've been swimming in summer inertia. when it gets into the nineties my brain gets very very lazy. somehow the thought of sitting in front of my blazing hot lap top becomes less and less appealing. this weekend i'm heading out to the oregon country fair to shake loose some of the debris that i've been accumulating in my brain. nothing spells relaxation like a giant wonderland of costume-donning happy hippies all letting their freak flag fly. i tried the other day to describe the fair to my friends from florida, and i came up short. its not a traditional music festival, but its more than an arts and crafts fair. my friend kelly commented that the photos looked like a renaissance fair, which isn't exactly untrue. i wouldn't say that the people out at fair art galavanting around pretending to exist in the renaissance era, but they don't always seem to be existing in an shared field of time or space either. i'll post pictures when i get home, maybe they'll shed some light.

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