Friday, August 15, 2008

give me your creepy, your offensive and your weird

(creepy) basking shark

dear readers (if you're out there):

i am trying to find interesting places to post my call to artists for the upcoming menace to propriety show. i really want as many artists as possible to know about the opportunity. if you know any good art networking sites, or the like where a lot of talented artists would be exposed to the proposal please let me know. or if you know anyone who's work fits the description "menace to propriety" give me a shout. 

soviet cross-country ski (offensive)

(weird) beard, popular WAKY DJ 1966-71

1 comment:

breanne! said...

this is a time before now friend pedro. i sent him an email about it, because i think his scrolls are pretty creepy/offensive/wierd. but i dont know if he ever got it/cared. anyways, they are worth checking out if nothing else. :)